Research Interests: Machine Learning, Computer Vision, Mathematical Image Processing, Numerical Analysis, Convex and Non-Convex Optimization, PDE's, Scientific Computing
- ℓ0 Regularized Structured Sparsity Convolutional Neural Networks
- Geodesic Active Contours with Shape Priors for Segmentation, Disocclusion, and Illusory Contour Capture
- A Weighted Difference of Anisotropic and Isotropic Total Variation for Relaxed Mumford-Shah Image Segmentation
- Image Segmentation Using Clique Based Shape Prior and the Mumford Shah Functional
- Parallelization of a Color-Entropy Preprocessed Chan-Vese Model for Face Contour Detection on MultiCore CPU and GPU
- Robust and Efficient Implicit Surface Reconstruction for Point Clouds Based on Convexified Image Segmentation
- Feature Identification for Colon Tumor Classification
- A Fourth Order Dual Method for Staircase Reduction in Texture Extraction and Image Restoration Problems
- Image Decomposition Combining Staircase Reduction and Texture Extraction
- Recent Developments in Total Variation Image Restoration
- Simultaneous Total Variation Image Inpainting and Blind Deconvolution
- Data Dependent Multiscale Total Variation Based Image Decomposition and Contrast Preserving Denoising
- Solution Dynamics, Causality, and Critical Behavior of the Regularization Parameter in Total Variation Denoising Problems
Recent Research Snapshots Below:
Tracking example. B2 Stealth bomber is accurately tracked despite regions in background having similar intensities.
L2 TV Caveats: Isotropic regularization hinders ability to capture chair leg boundary correctly. Increasing regularization yields a loss of features.
Weighted difference of L1 and L2 TV norms yields a more accurate boundary segmentation.
Non-Convex Optimization with Applications to Segmentation and Tracking
Published in: Proceedings of the 2016 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), Phoenix Arizona, USA, September 25th-28th. UCLA CAM Report Preprint ICIP 2016 Poster |
Face Tracking (Facial Contour)
Face Tracking (with ellipse fitting)
Automatic Face Contour Detection and Tracking
(Ongoing Work) Published in: Parallel Computing, August 2015, pp. 28-49. DOI: 10.1016/j.parco.2015.07.002 |
Point Cloud Surface Reconstruction via Convexified Image Segmentation
Published in: Journal of Scientific Computing February 2013, Volume 54, Issue 2-3, pp 577-602. DOI: 10.1007/s10915-012-9674-8 Demo Page |
Image Segmentation Using Clique Based Shape Prior and the Mumford Shah Functional
Published in: Proceedings of the 2015 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), Quebec City, Canada. 27-30th of Sept. pp. 4077-4081. Recognized as part of the “Top 10%” papers in ICIP 2015. DOI: 10.1109/ICIP.2015.7351572 |
Shape Prior Segmentation and Disocclusion Video Demos: